Friday, April 12, 2013

Pinterest Friday: TV Stand

Currently I'm in the middle of packing and refinishing a whole bunch of furniture to get ready for my move next weekend. I have given myself a list of way too much stuff to do. I bought myself a fancy new TV and I want something nice to put it on. I've got a lot of DVDs that I want to hide. I don't have the closet space for them so I want a TV stand that can double as DVD storage.

I'm thinking something like a sideboard/buffet like this:

I'd also be up for converting a dresser like this:

I also love this Union Jack design. We have the perfect dresser for it at our house but my mom likes it too much to let me have it and change it.

This might be a bit small but you get the idea. The colors are amazing.


I know I'm not going to find anything before I move (and be able to refinish it) but I'm just waiting for that perfect piece (at the perfect price). So far, Craigslist has been failing me. Until I find it, my TV is going to have to sit on an end table and my DVDs in their plastic bins.

1 comment:

  1. Watch Freecycle, too. You'll be surprised what folks are giving away for free!


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