Monday, October 29, 2012

School Spirit Wreath: UMD

I made another school spirit bauble wreath for my friend A, who also has a birthday this month. A's Alma Mater is the University of Maryland: College Park (we've been friends since elementary school! WOW! We both turned 26 this month so that's friends for TWENTY YEARS!). Her colors were a little more difficult to decide on. Red is definitely a school color and then there are just the other colors in the state flag: red, black, and gold that they use as accents. I thought all four would be a little too much so I decided on just red and white since they seemed the most prominent.

I just used red and white Styrofoam vase fillers that can be found in the Christmas section at Hobby Lobby. I also had a couple red bells from last year left over. Since I wasn't using any type of pom pom that would help fill the spaces between the circles, I wrapped the wreath in white yarn so the straw wouldn't show through.

Then I glued, as always. I go through quite a few hot glue sticks making these!

Here it is!

Go Terrapins! I gave A both a black ribbon and a gold ribbon so she can use whichever she likes to hang it.

I'm linking up here!


  1. I love these festive!!

    Thanks for partying with us this week @ Keep Calm & Link Up! We're thrilled you chose to party with us :o)
    xo, Meredith @

  2. So beautiful I wonder where I would find them here. Gorgeous!


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