Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!


First off, let me just take a moment to send my thoughts and well wishes to those affected by Hurricane Sandy. I live outside of Washington, DC in Maryland and we were very lucky here! We were one of the predictions of where it would hit but it missed us and instead wracked parts of New Jersey and New York. You are all in my thoughts!

I hope everyone had a great day and a fun, safe evening. I miss getting to see trick-or-treaters. We live in a small neighborhood so I never get to see the adorable costumes people come up with. We had an office party today at work where almost everyone dresses up so I got to see some creativity there. I just threw on some fairy wings I had and waved a wand around.

Halloween aka October 31st also means something equally's...

NaNoWriMo Eve!

That's National Novel Writing Month (November) where you have 30 days to write 50,000 words. I did it last year and won! Which means I got to give myself a huge pat on the back. Last year I was unemployed and had oodles of time on my hands and this year I have a full-time job but I'm still going to give it a go! Thus, my creative juices in other departments may be deprived so you may not see me much this month. But I've still got a few things up my sleeve. We'll just see if I can get myself to post them...

Wish me luck!

P.S. - I'd love to have you as my writing buddy! Feel free to add me (dcleonard)

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