Sunday, November 11, 2012

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Happy one year blogiversary to me! Today, Craft A Spell turns one year old. Although, technically, this blog has literally been around for longer, it wasn't until today that I decided to name it Craft A Spell and focused on craft blogging.

Here's my journey through the last logos...

I started this off as a travel blog called Dianna the Explorer...

I kept the name when I got back from a year in Scotland and switched up the logo to show that I like traveling and crafting...

Then I decided a name change was in order. I picked Craft A Spell...

I took the super simple image above and made a personal addition...

Then I went back to simplicity with what we have now...

Wow, I sure do change my mind a lot, don't I? Who knows where we'll be next year then!

Happy blogiversary Craft A Spell!

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