Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Lovin': Susan's All-American Repurposed Can

Happy Summer!! Today is officially the first day of summer and I am excited to start my summer lovin' series that will be running every Friday, all summer long.

This series will feature some amazing guest bloggers with some great summer DIY crafts, activities, recipes, etc. First, we have the wonderful Susan from Organized 31.

Hi, I'm Susan from Organized 31 and I'm so excited to be here with you and one of my favorite bloggers, Dianna, today.

Dianna helped me out several months ago with a guest post when I was just starting a new series, Military Move to Washington D.C.  I enjoy working with Dianna and I've loved seeing all the beautiful furniture transformations she's been doing around here lately.

I'm a huge fan of repurposing and upcycling.  In other words, I hate to throw anything away and I'm a bit of a tree hugger.  I love to look at food packaging that would otherwise be recycled and figure out a way to repurpose it.

Today's victim inspiration is a Carnation Breakfast Essentials Box a friend gave me.  I already repurposed one {here}, but this one has been waiting a couple of months for its transformation.  I really like using this container because the blue is so pretty, the can is a large size and the lid is perfectly flat with no logo I have to hide.

This repurposing project took about 30 minutes and 20 of that was waiting for the Mod Podge to dry.

I started by measuring my card stock.  I'm an impatient crafter so I just eyeball measurements.  I folded the card stock down at the bottom of the can to give me a mark for cutting.  I used my paper cutter to trim the paper just short of the fold line.  It covered the can perfectly.

I grabbed an ink pad, a make-up sponge (but you could use any type of sponge), and a piece of tin foil to protect my table.

Just dab your sponge on the ink pad and then drag it across the paper to make stripes.  You can see that it makes darker areas where you first start dragging the sponge.  You can either start off the paper to minimize the dark spots.  Or because I wanted more variation in color, I just kept dragging the ink over the stripes until the entire stripe was darker.  That way the dark spots weren't as noticeable but the stripes had depth and variation to them.

I was impatient and immediately added the Mod Podge to the back of the paper.  I'd recommend you let the ink dry thoroughly on the paper or the combination of Mod Podge and ink will smear. (I was very careful.)

Because the can is curved, I secured the Mod Podged (it is a verb, you know) paper with rubber bands to dry.

20 minutes later I added star stickers that I already had to the lid.  You could use a star punch and make your own from card stock or use a paint pen to draw them on.

Organized 31 - All-American Repurposed

I'm planning to use this container to hold utensils at a summer party.  But I can think of many other uses, too.  The beauty of this All-American Repuposed Can is that it's quick, easy and versatile.

Organized 31 - All-American Repurposed

How great is that? The perfect accessory for a summer party. Thanks for stopping by Susan! You can check out more of Susan's awesome re-purposing projects and more at her blog, Organized 31. She's been such an inspiration - it was because of her that I re-purposed some Cool Whip containers last week.

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